Group Info

Kass Group Meeting Schedule 

When: Fridays 1:00 pm to 2:15 pm in Smith 221 (unless specified otherwise)

Group meeting types:

Research Update (RU): Group members talk about what work they've done (~15-20 minutes).

Problem Set (PS): Group members each bring an organic problem for the group to work on

Literature Topic (LT): One group member gives an informal talk (~20 minutes) about a chemistry topic related to group research 


January 24th (Kolthoff 462): Steve LT and Josiah PS

January 31st (Smith 122): Safety refresher and LSO talk (Sofía and Kevin)

February  7th: Cal RU and Kevin PS

February  14th: Alex RU and Sofía LT

February  21st: Josiah RU and Cal PS

February  28th:  Casey RU and Alex LT

March 7th:  Sofía RU and Casey PS

March 14th:  No Group Meeting; Spring Break

March 21st: Steve PS and Josiah LT

March 28th:  Cal RU and Casey LT

April 4th: Alex RU and Sofía PS

April 11th: Caseu RU and Cal LT

April 18th: Josiah RU and Alex PS

April 25th: Sofía RU and Kevin PS

May 2nd:  Cal 3rd year talk practice

May 9th: Group Outing!