Ka(t)ss Spot

Beans Mergendahl

Beans was found in a garage and brought five tiny surprises in her tummy. Cal and their mom spent a summer raising them and now Beans lives the solo life, spending her time attacking sleeping people, hunting anything that moves and sleeping all day.

Zoey Kass

Zoey is the baby in the Kass household. She may or may not be an IR model. Either way, she's gorgeous and she knows it. 

Sputnik Nisly

Sputnik is a sweet little guy who squeaks and chirps more than he meows. He spends most days napping, posing for photos, and trying to get his mouth on any sort of adhesive or elastic that’s been left around. As reserved as he is, he is more than willing to blast off into a fit of zoomies whenever it suits him. He loves winter here in Minnesota because it means he can get cozy in his window perch and watch with fascination as the snowflakes fall. 

Astrid Nisly

Astrid is a cuddle bug with lots of kitten energy and loves to scramble haphazardly up her favorite cat tree. She is very vocal when she knows it’s time for food, and has a tendency to throw her entire body weight into people’s shins; especially while they’re walking with her bowl. She had a slow start with her big brother, but has gotten comfortable enough to cuddle up with him, and can hold her own when playtime gets a little rough. 

Sopita Ramírez García

Sopita was adopted in 2020 after having a not so cool life. She is a homebody who loves playing with catnip toys, sleeping and asking for food. She doesn't like cuddles, so when she does, it's special. Loves to ekekekek anything, especially the birds she watches in her youtube account. Sopita will let you know she doesn't like her little sister Alfi, but will never smack her too hard. She's a softie, but don't let her know you know.

"Alfi" Ramírez García

Alfi, legal name Fettucini Alfredo, was destinied to be adopted by the Ramírez García family after being found wandering around the parking lot of the wedding venue of the couple. She is an elusive female orange cat, with derange orange behavior. Alfi is a certified gremlin that caused the rate of crime to increase tenfold in the household, but guarantees a good time and a good laugh.

Petey (Parrot) and Squirmy (Gremlin) Lovstedt

Squirmy's legal name is Loki and he is rumored to be a cat.